Sunday, February 23, 2014

First project

This week I completed my first project.  Last week, I learned how to do a few basic stitches online and also bought a bunch of "floss" or thread, fabric, needles, scissors, floss organizer, and water-soluble pen.  I also bought a book that has a variety of doodling designs on a whim. 

But first, I organized my "floss" or thread.


I decided to begin my first project using an idea from the book I purchased.
Using the the blue pen, I traced the image on to fabric I purchased:
Then into the loom!
First knot
And finally, the final product:

This took about a week to complete.  I used split stitch, statin stitch, and daisy stitches.  The last thing to do is to wash off the blue ink and mount on a wooden frame so I can hang it on my walll.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Embroidery week 2

This week was all about learning different types of stitches and acquiring supplies to begin my emrboidery adventure.  I find that the easiest way to learn something is to watch it, so I began my journey by looking up how to do different types of stitches online.  I found a youtube channel by Mary Corbet that showed a variety of stitches.

The main ones I learned were:


Stem Stitch--
Satin Stitch
Daisy Stitch
Split Stitch
French knot
These are a selection of stitches, but her channel has so many more listed that are way to advanced for me at the moment.  In time I hope to learn them, however.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Pitch!

The hardest part of the 20% project is figuring out what I want to do.  My first thought was cooking, but I know how to cook and love to cook.  I wanted to learn something that I haven't learned but am interested in learning.  

One of my earliest memories of my mom making clothes for me.  She learned how during her high school Home Economics classes.  Unfortunately, sewing wasn't my forte.  However, her sewing brought another idea.  Embroidery.  While similar to sewing, it allows for more creativity.  I like the idea of creating pictures with thread and needle and being able to use what I create when the project is completed.  So, for my 20% project, I am going to teach myself to embroider and I am not talking the embroider kits with the designs pre-stamped on the cloth and a easily followed key to what stitches go where.  I want to make everything from scratch and be able to use or display what I create.